Our Values

Our Values


Padamu Indonesia works with Indonesian women. We support their role as caregivers, recognizing that supporting them is the first step in facilitating change and encouraging political participation.


Padamu Indonesia fosters a community of active and inspired students, who want to make and see change within their community. Volunteers work with one another, discussing ways to most effectively pursue projects.


Padamu Indonesia encourages political participation among women. Political participation includes the action of women engaging with their community to discuss issues and make collective decisions. We hope to urge women to take this initiative and use their voices to address daily struggles.

About Padamu Indonesia

Current Project: Air Untuk Anak Bangsa

Air Untuk Bangsa aims to provide clean and accessible water to the people of Tlilir, a village in Indonesia, through rainwater harvesting. Padamu Indonesia’s goal to inspire women to increase their political participation can only be achieved when basic needs such as clean water are addressed. Through this project, we aim to show that change is possible even for daily struggles, such as getting clean water.

This project works with Sekolah Air Hujan, an organization that teaches villages rainwater harvesting. The goals of this project are to

  1. Educate Tlilir villagers rainwater harvesting with the aid of Sekolah Air Hujan
  2. Implement rainwater harvesting systems
  3. Educate middle and high-school students on the importance of clean water and how to access it
  • At Padamu Indonesia, volunteers are an integral part of our community. We value your time, effort, and concern for Indonesian womens’ political participation.
  • During Air Untuk Anak Bangsa, volunteers will learn about rainwater harvesting, how to implement these machines, and how they can bring clean water to Indonesian villages. A select number of volunteers will go to learn about rainwater harvesting with Sekolah Air Hujan. Volunteers will also be sent to Tlilir, Temanggung to aid and view the implementation of the rainwater harvesting systems.
  • All volunteers are welcome to learn more about Indonesian womens’ political participation and what they can do to help!


  • October 11 - Karangturi High School Visit
  • October 23 - Mountainview Christian School Visit
  • October 27 - SMA Kolese Loyola Visit
  • November 3 - SMA Sedes Visit
  • November 7 - Bina Bangsa Visit
  • November 18 - Rainwater Harvesting Seminar with Sekolah Air Hujan
  • Date Coming Soon! - Community Integration: Tlilir, Temanggung
Open all Event

You signed up but were not chosen as a volunteer for Air Untuk Anak Bangsa. We still value your concern and effort!

There are many ways you can still serve your community. These are some possible recommendations:

  • Share Padamu Indonesia and its mission to people you know. The more you share, the more awareness and impact Padamu Indonesia can make.
  • Come up with project ideas for Padamu Indonesia. We are always looking for ways to serve communities in Indonesia through possible next projects. Do you know of any specific problems? Let us know!

Do not hesitate to reach out to Padamu Indonesia with any questions, concerns, comments, or ideas. We love to hear from our community!

Padamu Indonesia to Sleman

Rainwater Harvesting Seminar with Sekolah Air Hujan

On November 18, volunteers made their way to Sleman, Yogyakarta to learn about rainwater harvesting with Sekolah Air Hujan. In addition to the five highschools, representatives from Tlilir, the village we will be aiding with clean water, attended the seminar.

  • Speakers from Sekolah Air Hujan discussed the rainwater harvesting system and the importance of taking action to utilize this untapped yet abundant resource! We ended our time with a quick tour around the small village to see the rainwater harvesting systems up close.
  • The rainwater harvesting seminar was an excellent way for students to learn about rainwater harvesting while growing together as active changemakers.

Check us out on the news!

On November 18, volunteers made their way to Sleman, Yogyakarta to learn about rainwater harvesting with Sekolah Air Hujan
Djarum Foundation pada Bakti Negeri
Since its inception, Djarum Foundation continues to strive to participate in advancing the nation by improving the quality of human resources and preserving Indonesia's natural resources.
Sekolah Air Hujan Banyu Bening
Banyu Bening Rainwater School is the first informal school in Indonesia to learn about rainwater. Located in Tempursari Hamlet, Sardonoharjo Village, Ngaglik District, Sleman, the school invites people of all ages and walks of life to learn more about rainwater.
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